Our News

2021 Ambler Rotary Fall Hardy Mum Sale


We are selling Hardy Mums to raise funds for our many community projects and the organizations we support.  All proceeds will be used for Ida Tornado Repairs and Relief in the Ambler Area as the Ambler Rotary Exemplifies Its “Service Above Self” Motto!

Please order a beautiful mum or 2 or 3, how about four?  These 9 inch beauties are locally grown, so you are helping support a local small business as well.  Help us help others.


Order online and pay via PayPal at:  https://amblerrotary.org/shop/


Download, fill-out, print and send the attached order form with payment to The Rotary Cub of Ambler, Box 81, Ambler, PA 19002.

Share the form with your friends and family.


Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 10 AM until 1 PM.

The Ambler Area YMCA
1325 McKean Road
Ambler, PA 19002

If you have questions please contact: Diane Schueler at 215-628-3772 or DLSchueler@verizon.net